Phone: 864-444-1321
315 Eastview Road
Pelzer, SC 29669
- Antiques
- Business & Liquidations
- Cars, Boats, Vehicles
- Coins & Stamps
- Collectibles & Memorabilia
- Commercial & Industrial
- Dolls
- Estate Sales
- Farm Equipment & Livestock
- Furniture
- Heavy Equipment
- Jewelry & Watches
- Machinery
- Militaria
- Miscellaneous
- Musical Instruments & Gear
- Personal Property
- Real Estate
- Real Estate & Land
- Restaurant Equipment
- Sports & Recreation
- Storage Unit
- Surplus
- Toys & Trains
- Vintage Clothing & Accessories
Meares Properties
The Meares Company, Inc is a Real Estate, Estate and Auction Company that has been in business for over 45 years. We work with companies and individuals who need to downsize or sell their personal or real estate propperty either by listing or at auction. We have expertise in collectibles, personal and real property, farm and industrial equipment, firearms, vehicles and memerablilia just to name a few examples of our areas of business
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