Posted on 10/06/2019
Letterpress & Bindery Auction 3
A life-long collection auction 3 of 4 from this collection
300 Lots including some of these items
Monotype die-cast matrix, Embosograph brass type, dutch floral type, design type, Brass embossing designs & borders, agate burnisher, John Royle & Sons type hi gauge, sewing frame, 32” Seybold cutter, Hamilton Wooden Type Cabinets, national 7” x 11” letterpress, Peerless 9” x 13” letterpress, Hamilton Double wooden Type cabinet, Golding 10”x15” letterpress, 7” x 11” Kelsey star letterpress, 9” x 12” favorite Damon & Peets letterpress, Paragon E L Miller paper cutter 21” paper cutter, butcher block, Pants-utility engraver Preis engraving Mach co. Model CNP, Hamilton galley cabinet 50 - tray, 55 gal drums of lead scrap, Hickok lying press, Fairbanks scale, 26” Hamilton wooden job stick, D R miles medical co brass bandage tape dispenser, Brass Success benzene can American type founders, Forming irons, Monarch junior No. J 6043R The monarch marking system company, H b Rouse Co. Job sticks, 24 pt. Brass type, Turtle’s standard brass gauge, Adjustable case gauge, Hoole brass alphabet gold tooling wheel, Adjustable ink Brayer, 6” brass Handheld Chase, Hamilton gold Tooling wooden dovetailed box, Wisconsin quarter cases, wooden dovetailed matrix Cases, copper & Brass shims, Steel type, Hamilton Type cases, Big Buckley’s, R & H beer, Oliver Cromwell, Gangsters, Mafia, Food, Mayflower, Swimming, Cartoon, Espotads, Herberts, MacLevy, Garfeild’s, American Maid, The Tabard Press, and Arrow Printing Blocks, Litho Stones, wood type, Curved wood type, dingbats, type, metal engraving letters, cast iron weights, Furniture racks, lots of Printing Blocks, Wood Slab, Golding Little Giant, Amsco, American Slug Cutters, H.C. Hanson, Craftsman Superior Mitre Cutters, L Ewald Plunger Cleaner, Cast Iron Automatic 4" Rotary Press, Cast Iron Automatic 6" Rotary Press, L. S . Starrett co. Square, Print. O . Matic card size stencil duplicator 4” Model A2R, Superior rotary printing press With contents Tin metal 6”, Leroy tube pens, Leather strop sharpeners, Self-centering chase 8” opening, H B Rouse job sticks, R. Hoe Co. Trim wood planer, Ediphone Thomas Edison, Rotary Neostyle mimeograph, 24” Brady’s monarch Antique Wallpaper Cutter, Southworth hole punch, Printing press 5”, Lots of Letterpress chases, Brass Borders & embossing plates, ATF alphabets, Brass benzene can, Justrite & Eagle safety cans, Cast iron pot 4”, Lock - up quoins, 21” ink Brayer Wooden handles, Hamilton Reglet cabinets, Misc. Vintage Lumber, Boxes of riglets & wood furniture, and much more.
High Bids Win Auction LLC AA0005406478